Soul Sis

Unleash Your Inner Goddess - Tips to Tap Into Your Innate Divinity

Soul Sis Season 1 Episode 19

Today we are sitting with the goddess within & acknowledging her divinity within each and every one of us. When was the last time you asked your inner goddess what she'd like to do today? To wear, to eat, to enjoy, to experience, to create? In such a dominate divine masculine world we've mostly silenced her inner desires and drowned out her cries with work or putting the needs of others before her. In personifying this facet of our inner being by giving her physical characteristics & acknowledging her qualities creates an image in our mind we may have an easier time prioritizing in our daily lives. Address her as though she was a daughter, sister, mother, friend; for she is the embodiment all of these qualities that reside within you. The creatrix, the wild, the wise, the warrior woman within. To access her you must simply acknowledge her. Her wishes, her whims, her emotions, her outbursts, her innate desires and her intuition. Ask for her wisdom and guidance from now on, and instead of silencing her and living from ego we are here to learn to quiet the ego's response instead.  Time to tap into your inner goddess. Let her lead you to the life you truly desire. Her time is now. She is you in your highest, most raw and real form.  Wake up to your own inner wisdom. It's her turn, and your turn, dear Goddess. 

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is to start a conversation and is not for educational, medical, or professional purposes. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the interpretation, information, or application of the information presented herein.