Soul Sis

Deconstructing New Year - Following the Natural Flow

February 05, 2023 Soul Sis Season 1 Episode 38

It's been a minute! Welcome back to Soul Sis, the podcast where we talk about all things spiritual, truth seeking, and soul inspiring as we work through what the collective is going through and focus on following the divine feminine path of intuitive feeling in a world where this aspect of ourselves is so often suppressed.

It's now 2023, which means a new year, but the same you and me. And we're here to embrace this version of ourselves in every waking moment, honoring whatever that looks like from moment to moment. I took some time to myself to decide how to approach the new year. Took some time to turn inward and rest and heal from a hard holiday season. We are all still well within the thick of winter during this time. New year is 11 days after Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. This is the heart of winter, a time for hibernation, rest, dreaming, embracing the darkness/shadows, stillness and release, as well as a time for nourishment and keeping oneself warm.

Though society encourages us to jump into action with a 'New Year, New Me' attitude,  I encourage you to follow your feelings and honor where you are at, and where we are at in this season of life that inspires us to do the opposite. Rest, nourish yourself, reflect, and do not feel the need to jump right into action right now. Do what works for you, and do it for you and not for the expectation of anyone else. Do your best not to set extreme expectations of yourself during this time as well. Follow the flow of the divine feminine. All is well. You are perfect exactly as you are. Anything that feels less than love is there to help you align with your highest truth. 

Just because society has declared that it is a time to take action does not mean that Mother Nature agrees. As an extension of nature herself, you don't have to either, if it doesn't feel right for you. Following your feelings and flowing with the seasons is living in alignment with your innate nature, with the natural order. Don't be led to feel wrong for recognizing that this inorganic force opposing the natural flow is not in alignment with you. Trust your intuition to guide you.

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” — Lao Tzu

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is to start a conversation and is not for educational, medical, or professional purposes. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the interpretation, information, or application of the information presented herein.