Soul Sis

The Paradox of Finding your Purpose... Why I don't Buy Into The Scam

September 20, 2022 Season 1 Episode 29

Today's soulo episode is a free flowing conversation and my personal take on this idea that we have one true calling- a sole life purpose we are on this constant quest for... It's a conflicting concept that we must search outside ourselves to feel worthy when our worth and our potential is limitless. There's nothing outside of you that can complete you, give you more purpose, or make you more whole than you already are right now. You are a whole, complex, dynamic, ever-evolving being, and to put yourself into a box is to limit your own potential as  well as your purpose. Your purpose, the only real purpose, is to follow your feelings and trust your intuition to guide you toward the things you naturally gravitate towards. Obligations, expectations, and social standards aside... ask yourself: What lights you up?  What makes you feel most alive? Most in love with life? Most empowered? This is the realm of creation, expression, connection, and growth. This space within where we connect, find stillness, sitting with the Self. This is where we tap into our true callings. And our true callings are simply what our soul feels called to explore, to practice, and to participate in because it feels right.  It will be many different things and they will shift and change as you shift and change throughout your life. Trust that the only true constant is change and go with that flow. follow the feelings as they arise. Like clouds passing by in the sky simply observe them, explore them and give them form, try them out and let them go without over attaching a story to them. Do this with everything you feel called to try and to do in your life and you will let go of the resistance within you that's been holding you back. 

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is to start a conversation and is not for educational, medical, or professional purposes. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the interpretation, information, or application of the information presented herein.