Soul Sis

Life Lessons, Self Worth, Inner Child Work & A Matter of Perspective

August 23, 2022 Season 1 Episode 26

Coming from a confrontation today, this soulo episode is the real-time realization that we are transforming my tough morning into a medicinal message on working through tough times, recurring karmic lessons, and friction with frequencies from others all at once. Aiming to understand we are all wounded and our inner child needs work in the form of love, play, freedom, expression and acknowledgment in order to heal and receive new lessons rather than repetitive narratives playing out in our lives. Time to break the karmic cycles and address our internalized wounds from adolescence, as  well as how we have built up walls, armor and ammunition in the form of our strengths which were actually unconsciously constructed to keep our inner child safe from the hardships of our reality or harshness of those in our environment.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Swamping Exercise from Regena Thomashauer

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is to start a conversation and is not for educational, medical, or professional purposes. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the interpretation, information, or application of the information presented herein.