Soul Sis

Finding Faith & Reclaiming Your Right to Define Your Truth: (my personal experience)

June 07, 2022 Soul Sis Season 1 Episode 16

What is the point of living? What happens when we die? What is God to you? Do we go to heaven or hell? Do we come back after this lifetime? Do we see our loved ones again?  Today we talk about finding inner freedom through feeling our way into having faith in something greater than ourselves. Whatever this looks like for you... When we have hope to hold out for something spiritual that we can't necessarily fully comprehend that's greater than ourselves, yet resides within us & all around us, it makes tough times we inevitably go through much easier to grow through.

There is so much magick in this world; so many things we don't fully understand & cannot fully explain. We can look at life like nothing matters, or we can look at life through the lens that everything matters. I've come to believe we're all connected, we are all one, & we are here (& come back time and time again) to love, create, connect, & help one another grow. I share my personal experience  leaving my fear-based beliefs behind from the religious institutions I was raised in *** along with any faith in anything, hitting a rock bottom & how starting to do my own research changed my reality. For me, exploring reincarnation, quantum mechanics, & yoga helped me find faith in something that made life worth living.

Today I encourage you to explore the mystifying components of this reality by studying whatever it is you call into question in your own heart & mind in order to define on some level what is your own personal "why". What is it you choose to honor, practice, & live by? I'm not asking you to take on my perspective, but rather to begin to come to terms with own.  Religion, history, philosophy, quantum physics & anything else you can think of to call into question & research for yourself - I hope you explore it all & find your own truth.

Documentary Recommendation:
"I AM" 

Book Recommendations:
Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss, M.D.
Journey Of Souls: Case Studies of Lives Between Lives by Michael Newton PHD

Disclaimer from above:
***It is not my belief that all religious institutions are 'wrong' or 'bad' etc. In fact, for me I see it as one of the many ways Source/God/Universe tries to connect with us & get us to connect with one another. My statement above is in regard to my personal account of less constructive experiences in religious institutions, but just because it didn't resonate with me does not mean it isn't a perfect avenue for you. I've found beautiful parallels in my personal beliefs with those of certain aspects of Religious concepts, Historic & Biblical texts, Yogic philosophy, Quantum theory, and the wise words of a few shamans & spiritual teachers too. It is my hope that you find your faith in whatever feels best to you & your uniqueness, as it is more than our right; it is our destiny to uncover our truth & to live by it.  In finding faith we find our why. And in return we discover w

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is to start a conversation and is not for educational, medical, or professional purposes. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the interpretation, information, or application of the information presented herein.