Soul Sis

What Are Your Emotions Trying To Tell You? Tips For Feeling Stuck + How Small Habits Make a Big Difference in Manifesting

May 31, 2022 Soul Sis Season 1 Episode 15

Whether it be in our careers, our relationships, our routines, or any other areas in our lives,  at some point or another we all face some not-so-nice emotions of feeling stuck.  Depressive episodes, anxiety, numbness, and other negative emotions can all indicate when we are no longer living in alignment with our values. We all go through seasons of these fear-based feelings, which are actually a spiritual tool signaling us to acknowledge that we feel stagnation in some aspect of our experience, or something we used to value no longer resonates. When was the last time you took a conscious look at what you value and what you want out of each aspect of your life? The time to recognize & embrace these emotions so we can redefine what we want out of our experience is right now. 

This soulo episode is intended to help  identify these times when we feel in a funk so we can alchemize this energy & transform it into momentum as we realign with our values & manifesting goals. How we feel is a direct indication to whether or not we are on track towards the things we want to manifest & the life we'd love to live. We can actually quantum leap into this version of ourselves with a little conscious attention on our inner world and our outer actions. Lastly, we'll look into habits and how tiny tweaks in our daily routines make all the difference in how we feel. And of course, how we feel is our priceless, built-in spiritual navigation system that ensures we are on track towards our desires.  Happy manifesting my loves xx. 

PSA: The following books listed under additional resources are amazing tools to help you understand how small shifts in daily habits are the foundation to living your dream life; Living your life by divine design. 


DISCLAIMER: This podcast is to start a conversation and is not for educational, medical, or professional purposes. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the interpretation, information, or application of the information presented herein.